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This guide provides an overview of Zotero, as well as instructions on how to download and use this free citation manager.

Collections & Subcollections

By default, Zotero stores each of your items in "My Library." Within your library, you have the option to create Collections and Subcollections. Then, when you store items in collections, a copy of the item will live in "My Library" as well as the collection itself. If you delete an item from "My Library," it will be deleted from Zotero altogether, including from a collection.


To create a collection:

  1. Click the file icon with the green plus sign above "My Library."
  2. A pop-up window will appear. Name the collection, and click Ok.


To create a subcollection:

  1. Right click on the parent collection.
  2. Select "New Subcollection."
  3. Give the subcollection a name, and click Ok.



Duplicate & Unfiled Items

Pay close attention to the options at the bottom of your library. "Duplicate Items" will show you which items have been add multiple times in your library, and "Unfiled Items" will show you which items are in your library but not filed away in a collection or subcollection.


Item Notes, Tags & Related

For each item in your library, you may add notes, tags, and related items. You can view these options if you click on an item in your library and look in the right-hand column of Zotero. Above the item's bibliographic information, you should see four tabs: 1) Info, 2) Notes, 3) Tags, and 4) Related.


In the "Notes" tab, once you click on the "Add" button, Zotero will add a blank note as an attachment to your item.



In the note, you can add text and format it with the toolbar above the textbox. You can also add links and citations from other Zotero items. By clicking the three dots on the right side of the toolbar, you can edit the note in a separate window.



In the "Tags" tab, click the "Add" button to tag an item in your library with a keyword of your choice. Then, when you search for this keyword in your library, you will quickly find all items tagged with this keyword.



In the "Related" tab, click the "Add" button to search for an existing item in your library and add it to this list.