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This guide provides an overview of Zotero, as well as instructions on how to download and use this free citation manager.

Video Tutorial

Saving Research to Your Library

There are three different ways to add research to your Zotero library:

  1. Zotero connector (in your web browser)
  2. Using a standard number, such as an ISBN or a DOI (in the Zotero software)
  3. Manually enter a citation (in the Zotero software)

Zotero Connector

Once the Zotero connector is added to your web browser, you should see a "Z" icon in your browser. 



When you are visiting any webpage, the connector will detect the type of item you are viewing (i.e. webpage, journal article, book) and change the icon to match that item. 

Follow these steps to save an item in your Zotero library with the connector:

  1. Open Zotero's software on your computer.
  2. In your web browser, go to the item you would like to save.
  3. Click the Zotero icon.


A window will appear, indicating that the connector is sending the item's information to your library. Any bibliographic information that the connector can identify, as well as any PDFs, will be added to your library.



If you would like to add the item to a specific collection, click the drop-down arrow that appears in the pop-up window. Select the preferred collection and add any tags you wish. Then, click "Done."



You can quickly add an item to your Zotero library if you know a number that is unique to the item, such as:

  • ISBN: A book identifier, typically 10 or 13 digits long.
  • Digital Object Identifier (DOI): An identifier for journal articles that begins with the numbers "10."
  • PubMed ID (PMID): An identifier for articles in PubMed.


Follow these steps to add an item to your library:

  1. Open the Zotero software.
  2. Click the "Add Item(s) by Identifier" button in the toolbar that looks like a wand with a green plus.
  3. Enter the number into the box, and click the Enter button on your keyboard.


Manual Entry

Follow these steps to manually add an item to your Zotero library:

  1. Open the Zotero software.
  2. Click the "New Item" button in the toolbar that looks like a green circle with a white plus sign in the center.
  3. Select the type of item you would like to add to your library.
  4. An empty space for the item will now appear in your library. Enter the bibliographic information in the panel on the right.