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Fall 2021 Enhancement Day

Option #2 - Room & Zoom YU 203

"Mindfulness and Well-Being in Higher Education"

This is a Room & Zoom session

Time: 10-10:50 a.m.

Attendance Location: Room & Zoom

Facilitators: Randy Barker and Lori Tuominen

Description: As part of UW-Superior’s strategic plan, our campus is looking at ways to explore more effective and healthier ways to help students and staff not only survive but thrive. More current research is showing that investing in the teachable, learnable skills of mindfulness and well-being can help reduce mental health concerns, enhance learning, improve retention, and create a culture of care where everyone feels seen, heard, valued, and respected.This session will focus on the nine pillars of the PERMANENT Well-Being model (Present Moment Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, Relationships, Meaning, Achievement, Needed Sleep, Exercise, Nutrition, and Thinking). Participants will learn well-being concepts and strategies they can use for their own personal and professional lives. Tools and skills will be shared from the most up-to-date scientific research, mainly from the fields of mindfulness, positive psychology, neuroscience, and positive education.