Ongoing media and news coverage of events can be found through a variety of sources.
The American Library Association compiles annual data, and advocates against censorship
Pen America's tagline is "The Freedom to Write," and they also track extensive data and have regularly updated blog and related entries
News articles through various organizations can generally be located via online search engines OR via keyword searches (and narrowed date limits) in US Newsstream, available with UWS login
If you are looking for a specific item, pay attention to the author, title, and type of media (book, article, video, etc.)
If you want to look for items that relate to an item you already have by topic or subject-- look at that record in the library catalog and see what "subject" terms are listed. Those terms may be ones you want to search for.
Broad terms to search for include but are not limited to:
Intellectual freedom
Prohibited books
Combinations of individual search terms with the phrase AND may help narrow your findings—e.g.: Censorship AND Libraries, or "Prohibited Books" AND History
Maybe you see a title in the Curated Collections list but you want to try to access another version (ebook, audiobook, etc); or maybe you see a book elsewhere (such as on a "top 10 list") that you want to look up - you can search the catalog by author or by title. Logging in is recommended!
For instance, if a search for "Prohibited books -- United States" yields 43 records. . .
And if you are really looking for governmental records, you might look under "Genre" for "Legislative Hearings", and select that
If you wish to request a title from outside of the Universities of Wisconsin (perhaps you want a format other than what is held; perhaps all titles are checked out; or perhaps you find a resource from another location. Then, you can submit an "Interlibrary Loan" request. For help, see the InterLibrary Loan Help Guide