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Banned and Challenged Books

A guide to select resources at the Jim Dan Hill Library relating to book bans and challenges

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According to the American Library Association's (ALA) Office of Intellectual Freedom, in 2023, 4,240 book titles held in libraries were challenged. This means individuals or groups submitted titles or lists of titles to be removed or "banned" from circulation or holdings. This is the highest number of individual book titles challenged within a single year in ALA's records. Most of the titles targeted were by or about BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ persons. Book bans resulting from book challenges are a form of censorship. Censorship creates boundaries, but the ideas and characters portrayed by books can free imagination, inspire creativity, and foster connections. 

Censorship by the Numbers - a graph from the ALA, showing censorship is on the rise

The Jim Dan Hill Library and the Markwood CLIC affirm a commitment to:

  • being open-minded to other’s views and learning from them 

  • encouraging and modeling respect for our diverse community  

  • supporting quality course design based on inclusion  

  • curating diverse and accessible collections throughout the library


Guide Credits

ALA graphics, including those for the "2023 Ten Most-Challenged Books" were sourced from the website of the American Library Association in September, 2024. 

The provided descriptions of all featured titles were drawn from publishers' descriptions

This LibGuide was created by A Barbour, in collaboration with the Library Team at the JDHL, Fall 2024


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