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This guide provides information on determining the impact of a journal, acceptance rates of journals, copyright rights as an author, and how to find who is citing your work.

In Web of Knowledge

Web of Knowledge is the authority when it comes to citation mapping. However, they only map citations for journals that they index. Web of Knowledge indexes thousands of very important journals in each field, but it is strongest in the hard sciences and often neglects open access publications.

You can start your search by author, title, or topic. Web of Knowledge automatically sorts your results by date, displaying newer articles first. You can sort by how many times an article has been cited to view influential articles in a particular area.

Once you've clicked on your article you can choose to view all the articles that have cited your article, or create a citation report

The citation report will show you when your article was cited most

You can also create an interactive citation map

In Google Scholar

Google Scholar covers a wider variety of subject areas than Web of Science but lacks precise search-refining tools. You can find how many times an article has been cited, who has cited it, and you can use advanced search figures to see who is citing a particular author (maybe yourself!). Google Scholar just added "Google Metrics" found in the top toolbar. Similar to, Google Scholar, attempts to measure journal impact based on the h-index. The h-index is how many times articles from a journal have been cited in the past 5 years, the higher the h value the more citations that journal has.

Be aware that Google does not index all scholarly journals so some articles may not be counted in the citation count. It includes books and conference proceedings with Web of Knowledge does not. Watch out for repeats and over-inflated numbers.

Google Scholar

If you find something in Google Scholar and are asked to pay for the information, please don't. A librarian can check to see if we have free access to the material or track down the publication from another library through Interlibrary Loan.

Google Scholar Search

Google Scholar Tips

To find an author, use last name and initials in one of the following formats.

fx bostick
"fx bostick"
author:"fx bostick"
author:"f bostick"
author:"francis x bostick"