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This guide provides information on determining the impact of a journal, acceptance rates of journals, copyright rights as an author, and how to find who is citing your work.

Why Altmetrics?

As social media helps disseminate research faster and we continue to move away from traditional publishing models researchers have been looking for alternate ways to measure an articles impact that can keep up with this pace. H-index and journal impact measures often take years to develop.

Altmetrics often gather:

  • Tweets
  • Blogs
  • News Outlets
  • Citations in ciation programs
  • Slideshare favorites
  • Slideshare views
  • Youtube and Vimeo metrics
  • PLoS metrics
  • PubMed views
  • arxiv statistics

Altmetric Bookmarklet

Altmetric Bookmarklet can be used in Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari. It is a free bookmark tool from which creates other products for purchase. It only captures data for articles published after 2011 and is not compatible with all journal websites or databases.

When used on a journal or publisher's webpage, a pop-up window will appear displaying tweets, blogs, news outlets, and citation manager saves.

You can click for more detail including how this article compares to others in the journal and of a similar age

Impact Story

ImpactStory is designed for authors to create a free profile that can be synched with their Google Scholar profile. Ciations can also be linked in manually.

With a focus on open-access research, ImpactStory allows article level metrics with the ability to track back to where the article was tweeted about or otherwise mentioned.

Further Reading