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This guide provides information on determining the impact of a journal, acceptance rates of journals, copyright rights as an author, and how to find who is citing your work.

Is it peer reviewed? And where is it?

Ulrich's Web which can be found in our list of library databases can tell you if a journal is peer reviewed as well as where it is indexed online.

You can search by a specific journal title or by keyword under the advanced search option. Be sure to select "keyword" from the drop down menu if you would like to search that way. In this example I've narrowed my search to active, academic journals, published in English.

Once you pull back results you can continue to narrow your search. Ulrichs contains icons to quickly show you if a journal is electronic web based only, refereed, or on open access publication.

Once you click on a specific journal title you can find out how often they publish, where you can find that journal full text in an electronic database, and where you can find the citations indexed in electronic databases.

Journal Acceptance Rates

Locating acceptance rates for individual journals or for specific disciplines can be difficult, and may even be unavailable.

Some journals will include the acceptance rate in the “information for authors” area of the print journal or on the home pages for the journal. Journals that are published by societies can often be found by searching the society name and acceptance rate in Google.

APA Journal Statistiscs

The American Psychological Association publishes rejection rates, number of pending articles, publication lag time, and other information in a yearly operations report that is freely acessible for all APA Journals at:

Family and Consumer Sciences Research Institute

The Family and Consumer Sciences Research Institute publishes a list of journals that includes acceptance rate, number of manuscripts recieved, and peer review process for journals relevant to the fields of family and consumer economics including sociology.