For the most complete, detailed publication information (including whether or not a journal is peer-reviewed), the best source of information to consult is Ulrich's:
Find journal articles, books, reports, and other current and historical publications related to growth and development of children through the age of 21. Includes all issues of Child Development Abstracts & Bibliography. Some full-text available.
Extensive index to educational literature containing some 1.5 million items, including journal articles, unpublished documents, research reports, curricular materials, etc.
Find scholarly articles, books, conference papers, dissertations, and other resources from 1970 to the present. Coverage includes family science, human ecology, human development, and social welfare.
Designed for professional educators, this database provides a highly specialized collection of nearly 520 high quality education journals, including more than 350 peer-reviewed titles.
The PsycINFO , database, American Psychological Association’s (APA) renowned resource for abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, is the largest resource devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. It contains approximately 3 million citations and summaries dating as far back as the 1600s with DOIs for over 1.4 million records. Journal coverage, which spans from the 1800s to present, includes international material selected from around 2,400 periodicals in dozens of languages.
Help Guides:
Find full text for more than 860 journals dating back to 1908, more than 830 books and monographs, and over 16,800 conference papers. A comprehensive resource for sociology research.
NoveList is an electronic readers' advisory resource which assists fiction readers in finding new authors and titles. It includes titles, authors, publication information, subjects, book reviews, over 1200 theme-oriented booklists, 150 award lists and links to 1000 fiction related web sites.
Find reading recommendations for fiction, for grades K-8.
Find full text articles from core journals in history, political science, philosophy, mathematics, economics, and other social sciences and humanities. The most recent three years are not included for titles which are still being published.
Covers literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, etc. Contains current full text scholarly journals which cover these fields and a significant collection of recent scholarly books.
SAGE Journals includes leading international peer-reviewed journals, including high-impact research titles published on behalf of more than 350 scholarly and professional societies. Subject coverage spans business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, medicine and many more.
Access the worlds leading scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities and examine proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions.
Dates of Coverage: 1987-Present
Access Note: Limited to 1 user at a time.
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