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Recipes and Cookbooks: Food, Stories, Histories

This guide provides a sample of food and recipe cookbooks available through the Jim Dan Hill Library. It also notes other resources with related focus.

Indigenous Chefs, Food, and Foodways - web and social media

Selection of Resources available via the library

Database resources available with UWS account

A note on search and title terms

Terminologies and preferred titles and naming conventions can shift over time and place, and legal terminologies may be distinct from community practices. The University of British Columbia's First Nations Study Program has provided this guide on terminology, which includes some attention to distinctions between conventions in the United States and Canada. 

In the I-Portal—there are options for search types, including by keyword or term. After searching for a term, you can use selections on the right of the screen to narrow by resource type (such as by "Open Access," to ensure the resource is available). For more about ways to explore this resource, see "Using the I-Portal," at the top of the screen. 

In Adam Matthew: Indigenous Newspapers in North America, the "selection criteria" within the Introduction states this: "Respecting the authority and legal rights of Indigenous publishing bodies, Tribal Councils and organisations is fundamental to the aims of this resource and principal above any editorial scope. Therefore the communities and geographic locations represented are limited to those that chose to enter into a digitisation agreement for this resource." For navigating, browsing, and searching, is recommended to view their searching guide. You can view a YouTube primer. You can also see written instructions, here