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A general overview of what a LibGuide is

Information Literacy

Information literate students at UW-Superior will understand that authority is constructed and contextual, that information creation is a process, that information has value that research is inquiry, that scholarship is a conversation, and that searching is strategic exploration.  

  • Information literacy will prepare people to ask good questions, gather the information from appropriate sources in a creative and efficient manner, and present the information gathered with academic integrity (e.g. references; citations; recognizing, understanding, and avoiding plagiarism; etc.). 

  • The information literate person comprehends and appreciates the monetary and intellectual value of sources by understanding that different sources are available and have varying levels of credibility based on the context of the information need.  

  • The information literate person evaluates information sources for suitability according to the needs of an individual project.  

  • The information literate person recognizes the nuances of the research process through the lens of the discipline in which they are writing.  

  • The information literate person is aware of the processes by which different kinds of information are created and disseminated.  

  • The information literate person understands that scholarship is a discussion with voices entering and fading from the conversation as time goes on. 

Information Literacy Guides