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Spooky Media

A guide to selections of and resources for "Spooky" Media available via the library

About this Guide

This guide serves to: 

1) Provide a selection of resources that might be "spooky" or otherwise categorized with themes of gothic, noir, supernatural, paranormal, or horror. (With a few exceptions, emphasis is generally on literature, myth, and/or documentaries.)

2) Introduce a selection of Databases through which University of Wisconsin-Superior users can access various types of media


Resources of note (organized by database) include: 

- Access to Books, eBooks, Audiobooks, Popular Film, and more through the Jim Dan Hill Library 

- Some Musical and Theatrical Selections 

- Graphic Novels, Poetry, Radio Dramas, and more

- Recent Theater Performances on film

- A Horror Classic; along with Documentaries (primary focus on film and literary figures)

- More Film

- Dramatized Fiction and Documentaries

- Compilations, Features, and Reviews from News Sources

Particularly if you are off campus, please ensure that you log into the given database with your University of Wisconsin-Superior credentials before attempting to open the direct resource links

Disclaimer and Content Warning

Users are encouraged to be mindful of the nature of the content, and to note that many of the linked databases include features such as keywords, content descriptions, and content warnings  -- please be sure to make use of these, as appropriate for your own needs. 


Guide Credits

This guide was compiled by A. Barbour, in conjunction with the Reference Librarians of the Jim Dan Hill Library


For questions or comments, please contact