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Kanopy FAQ

How do I know what Kanopy films we have access to?

You can browse all of the Library's leased films on Kanopy directly using the url, and you will be able to immediately play all leased films. When you are doing a search or browsing in Kanopy, the films we have leased appear at the top and are playable. The films you can request appear at the bottom of the page in a “videos you can request for your library” section.

What is Mediated Access?

In practice, this means that any new Kanopy lease will need to be approved by Library staff.

UW-Superior students, faculty, and staff will continue to have immediate access to films currently leased by the university until they expire. You will still be able to search for films that the Library does not already lease in Kanopy. However, when you attempt to access a film that the JDH Library does not have a lease for, you will have the option to select the “request” button next to the film, fill out the form, and the Library will work with you to fill your need.  

What does “lease” mean?

The Library does not purchase streaming media; instead we lease films. Leases can be for 1 or 3 years. When the lease expires we lose access until we purchase another lease.

What happens when I request a film?

The request is forwarded to our Acquisitions Librarian, who will confirm that we do not own the title in another streaming media collection or in our DVD collection and will follow-up with the requestor if needed. The Librarian will then make the purchase in Kanopy or other streaming resources as funds permit.

Where can I find media for my classes?

The best thing to do is to search in the Library's Catalog (Search@UW). All of our various streaming media and DVD offerings are included (excluding the Filmakers Library Online collection), so you don’t have to search multiple websites.

For titles that are immediately available, use the Books & Media (UW Superior) search scope and add the material type “Videos.” Refine your results to “Available online” to limit to streaming media or "Held by library" to limit to DVDs.

To include DVDs, CDs, etc. that you can request from other UW System schools, use the Books & Media (UW System) search scope with the “Videos” material type.


How can I access Kanopy off campus?

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