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Learn the libraries policies regarding the loan of materials, renewals, holds, recalls, and fines/fees.

Fines and Fees

Overdue Fine Maximum Fine Replacement Fee Processing Fee
Books $0 $0 $100 $10
DVDs & Videos $0 $0 $100 $10
Reserves $0 $0 $100 $10
Kits & Games $0 $0 $100 $10

Items overdue by more than 50 days will enter lost status and replacement and processing fees will be assessed. If the actual replacement charge is greater than $110, the current replacement cost plus shipping and handling charges will be assessed along with the processing fee. Replacement fees will be forgiven only upon the return of the lost item.

Accumulating lost materials may result in the loss of borrowing privileges and, if applicable, a hold placed on the library users E-Hive account until materials are returned or fines are paid. Repeated failure to return library materials on time or to pay fines in a timely manner may result in the suspension or revocation of borrowing privileges.

Please be aware that unauthorized possession of library materials violates Wisconsin state statutes.

Damaged Items

Users are responsible for items checked out to them and should make circulation staff aware of any damage before checking out an item. Users who return library materials damaged will be assessed the repair charge. If the item cannot be repaired, the user will be responsible for paying the full replacement fee.


Payments can be made either with cash or check. Checks should be made payable to: JDH Library.

It’s Against the Law to Write a Bad Check in Wisconsin. Checks returned to UW-Superior for nonpayment are subject to a service charge of $30. Additional civil penalty may be imposed on checks returned for nonpayment after 30 days.
– notice from the UW-Superior Business Office

Payments are processed by the Public Services supervisor Monday-Friday, from 8:00AM to 4:00PM.